Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I think the bus driver has a crush on me.

So I get on the bus today and he goes "I missed you yesterday."

"I uh, I'm pretty sure I was there. Maybe. Or maybe not. Uh. I don't remember." As I blushed really really embarrassed like.

I realized he was right. I had a haircut so I went on a different route. He totally knows me. He knows what time I ride and which stop I get on. I even wear different coats every day. I'm also not friendly. I slide my card, don't make eye contact with the driver (or anyone), don't say hello, NOT friendly.

Then I started thinking about the previous times I spoke with this particular driver, who I had not even noticed was the usual driver because of the infrequency I looked at the driver. But there was this one time that I worked late and got on the bus much later than usual. He apparently had made the round trip back around to pick up at that stop again. And there I was. He definitely made a comment about how it wasn't my usual time. I replied about working late or something. I thought it was odd that he knew my schedule, but didn't dwell too much besides thinking "oh great, I'm a usual." If he was a restaurant server, that would be totally cool. I'd be more like a regular. And he'd be like "the usual?" But no. It's the city bus. And his profession is city bus driver. Not awesome. Although there is this running joke that my Dad will bring up every time he possibly can. When I was younger, I said I wanted to be a bus driver when I grew up (jokingly duh) and he told me not to set my sights so high. Har har har!

"I missed you yesterday." Every time I say it I get more creeped out. I mean I can't really say I blame him. I exude awesome, even when I am trying to be unmemorable and unfriendly. Har!

Time to change my schedule.

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