Sunday, September 25, 2011

Many Returns

I would first like to congratulate myself. I've been a loyal rider of the Sun Tran for almost 14 months now. People come and go. It's weird. They seem to disappear in the summer, then reappear during the academic school year. And visa versa.

Since school just started, many people have made appearances after I haven't seen them for months.

I had a deja vu experience with guy who I've seen twice on the bus. Probably a good 6 months in between sightings. Both times, I hear him plugging his genius marketing ploy to his fellow riders, which is especially genius because it is the desert here and we don't have a lot of water. His marketing ploy is dehydrated water. Think about that for a second.

Another guy I saw last week making a glorious return, Drunk and Disorderly. Only slightly less drunk this time. He stumbled on the bus, but at least he was on his feet. He stood at the front of the bus and shouted "HELLO TUCSON!" He then asked for a few quarters to use a pay phone. Nobody replied.

Making another return is none other than middle age briefcase guy. Last time I saw him, he was in that fight with the drunk guy and got a big ole gash on his face. Now, I see him most mornings sitting up very straight, with his briefcase in his lap and no emotion on his face. He's just sitting there, waiting. Waiting for a confrontation or something to set him off. Like a ticking time bomb that one is.Very still and ominous until BOOM!

It was an overcast day. Not just cloudy, but totally overcast, a very rare thing in Tucson. So overcast, I didn't need sunglasses, and that is rare. My eyes are sensitive to the sun, okay? I was heading home on the bus and the City Worker Cowboy with a Gut commented that I usually have sunglasses on and it was nice to see my eyes. He can tell a lot about a person by looking in their eyes. And apparently I smile with my eyes. Ok. I'd like to thank Tyra Banks for that then. She calls it "Smizing." Thanks Tyra.