Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Mr. No Cell Phone strikes again. This time, there was no phone borrowing involved, but I'm beginning to think this guy needs to go away.

It was the day of my board meeting at work so I had to get up extra early. I had a nice dress on and had taken extra time on my hair to make sure I looked nice and professional. Because of my board meeting, I got on the bus at a much earlier than usual time. I put my hand down to take a seat and hear, "Nooo." I look over with devil eyes and with a very cranky voice reply "No?" Mr. No Cell Phone shakes his head back at me and says "Uh uh." I scowl, shake my head and although I stubbornly want to just sit down, I think "it isn't worth it," and proceed on to another seat. A better seat.

From my new, better seat, I see the guy that carries around a disc-man take the spot I had been denied. Mr. No Cell Phone and Mr. Disc-Man start chatting it up like some fun morning bus club. Ugh. He could have at least put something in that seat to indicate he was "saving" it for his bus friend.

I'm contently reading my book until the lady in front of me starts fiddling with the window area. I can't figure out what she is doing, but I ask her if she is trying to request a stop. Before waiting for her reply, I pull the stop request for her. Of course she was just unsuccessfully trying to open the window, not trying to request a stop. So I have to yell to the driver "never mind!" She was nice though and thanked me anyway.

Of course at this point, Mr. No Cell Phone has to get involved. He asks the lady in front of me what's up and she says she can't get her window open and it is really hot in here. He comes over to try to help her open her window and it won't budge. So he says "what about this window?" as he reaches over me to open my window. My blood starts boiling. The nice lady in front of me says "well I don't know if she wants that window open." But Mr. No Cell Phone already had MY window open. THEN he asks if I mind that my window is open. I curtly and painfully reply "its fine" as the wind ferociously rips through my nicely done hair.

At my stop, I was glad to get off quickly. Jumping out the door I hear "BYYEEEE!" bellowing from Mr. No Cell Phone. I don't turn around or reply.

Man I hate that guy.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mr. No Cell Phone

"Hey can I borrow your phone?"

When I make it on the 3:05 on Fridays, it is filled with high school kids...and this one guy...who apparently doesn't have a cell phone.

A few weeks ago, I watch Mr. No Cell Phone ask a guy if he can borrow his phone. The guy, very generously let's him borrow the phone. For the next several minutes, Mr. No Cell Phone struggles to figure out how to make it work. The guy tries to help him punch in the numbers and this goes on for awhile. Just when you think that the numbers are all punched and he can make his phone call, he has to ask the guy again to help him with it. I was watching this wondering how it was taking so long just to punch in the numbers for the call.

Eventually Mr. No Cell Phone figured it out (not on his own of course) and the call went through. Or so it seemed. The next several minutes were spent with Mr. No Cell Phone yelling "HELLO!? HELLO!?........HELLLLLO!?" Eventually he took the phone from his ear and looked at it. Then the owner of the phone patiently continued to help him. When the numbers were possibly punched again, "HELLLO!?........HELLLLLLO?!" After a few more minutes of this, he finally gave up and gave the phone back. Holy crap.

This past Friday, I notice that I accidentally sat across from Mr. No Cell Phone. I was playing Words With Friends and watched him ask the high school girl next to him if he could use her phone. She said the battery was almost dead so no. He then tapped on the leg of another high school boy but he said it was only an iPod - not a phone.

I could sense the panic rising in Mr. No Cell Phone. At this point, like a huge jerk, I quickly stuffed my phone in my bag without him seeing me, grabbed my book and opened it right in front of my nose. No eye contact or visible phone - maybe I wouldn't have to deal with this. I hear "Excuse me miss, could I borrow your phone?" Crap. Ignore. Ignore. There are other miss' around me, maybe he isn't talking to me. But I'm reading a book so I'm not paying attention to my surroundings...crap I don't hear anyone respond. Ignore. Ah! Man I'm a jerk!

A young girl got on the bus and sat right next to Mr. No Cell Phone. She of course pulled out her cell phone and of course he asked her to use it. She responded that her mom doesn't let her. He pushed and and said "it would be a quick call I promise." After his insistence, she said she was sorry but she couldn't allow it.

This was getting interesting.

He then turned to the lady next to me who had her phone out. She said "I don't think so man. The last time you borrowed my phone you were on it for like 30 minutes."

"I was not!" He instantly replied like a little kid.

It was right then that I decided I had made the right decision to not allow him to use my cell phone. Although on the other hand, I still felt like a jerk. Only a few more blocks to endure. No eye contact. No eye contact.

Jumped off the bus at my stop. Successfully evaded being a nice samaritan! Yay! Ugh I'm a jerk. Or am I...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm going to start keeping a tally of the times that my morning robot driver misses my stop, immediately after I request the stop. We've reached 3.

Today she was busy chatting with a regular rider the entire route about bus things. Mostly about how that particular route, my morning route, will be cancelled for the summer.


Monday, May 9, 2011


The loud non-stop voice got my attention. Who was this guy talking to? And so loudly? I didn't hear anyone else talking so I'm pretty sure he was just talking AT people. He was talking about how he was a musician and the type of musician he was. He didn't have technical music, you know, just solid. And he was really syncopated when he played with other musicians.

Wait what? Syncopated? Is that a made-up word? Was that kind of like, in sync? I had to investigate.

Wikipedia says:
In music, syncopation includes a variety of rhythms which are in some way unexpected in that they deviate from the strict succession of regularly spaced strong and weak but also powerful beats in a meter (pulse). These include a stress on a normally unstressed beat or a rest where one would normally be stressed. "If a part of the measure that is usually unstressed is accented, the rhythm is considered to be syncopated."

I don't have any idea what that means. And I know there was no way the guy in the Slipknot shirt, yes Slipknot, knew what this really meant. He was probably just trying to make the word sync sound more sophisticated. I'm sure that he would be very surprised that the @syncopated Twitter account belongs to a banjo player, hahaha.
To seal the whole thing off, he was telling no one in particular that his creative source was from Lamb of God and his main source of inspiration was Randy Blythe, the lead singer of the metal band Lamb of God. Can I repeat, not technical, but solid - lol. By solid does he mean loud and obnoxious?

My main source of inspiration also comes from Randy Blythe, just so you know. Here is a treat from this inspirational band:

Maybe someday the guy with the stringy dreads and Slipknot shirt can play with his idol, Randy Blythe. Behold his magnificence: