Monday, May 9, 2011


The loud non-stop voice got my attention. Who was this guy talking to? And so loudly? I didn't hear anyone else talking so I'm pretty sure he was just talking AT people. He was talking about how he was a musician and the type of musician he was. He didn't have technical music, you know, just solid. And he was really syncopated when he played with other musicians.

Wait what? Syncopated? Is that a made-up word? Was that kind of like, in sync? I had to investigate.

Wikipedia says:
In music, syncopation includes a variety of rhythms which are in some way unexpected in that they deviate from the strict succession of regularly spaced strong and weak but also powerful beats in a meter (pulse). These include a stress on a normally unstressed beat or a rest where one would normally be stressed. "If a part of the measure that is usually unstressed is accented, the rhythm is considered to be syncopated."

I don't have any idea what that means. And I know there was no way the guy in the Slipknot shirt, yes Slipknot, knew what this really meant. He was probably just trying to make the word sync sound more sophisticated. I'm sure that he would be very surprised that the @syncopated Twitter account belongs to a banjo player, hahaha.
To seal the whole thing off, he was telling no one in particular that his creative source was from Lamb of God and his main source of inspiration was Randy Blythe, the lead singer of the metal band Lamb of God. Can I repeat, not technical, but solid - lol. By solid does he mean loud and obnoxious?

My main source of inspiration also comes from Randy Blythe, just so you know. Here is a treat from this inspirational band:

Maybe someday the guy with the stringy dreads and Slipknot shirt can play with his idol, Randy Blythe. Behold his magnificence:

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