Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recon Mission

The other day, I jumped off the bus at Bookmans to grab a couple of concert tickets. Bookmans is right on my route, so I planned to jump right back on the bus after I made my purchase. However, since the bus only runs every half hour, I had awhile to wait. I sat down at the stop and started fiddling with my phone to kill some time. I wasn't there very long when a couple of homeless looking dudes came and started hanging out at the bus stop. One of them started smoking right next to me. Do you know what a homeless person smoking smells like??? Ya you know how I feel about that.

I started looking at the bus schedule on my phone to see if I could walk to the next stop before the bus got there and it was no problem at all so I made the executive decision to get up and walk to the next stop. This stop is in between streets so it was less likely that there would be lots of homeless smoking people there than the stop right outside of Bookmans.

As I was strolling along, I had my iPod in one coat pocket and my phone in my other coat pocket with my bus pass. I made sure my pass was handy so I wouldn't make the bus sit there while I dug through my backpack. I took my phone out and started texting Sarah to tell her I got us our Snoop Dogg tickets. That's right, Snoop Dogg.

When I reached the next stop I decided to keep walking. I ended up walking all the way home. I felt pretty good about that, it was about a half hour walk and I beat the bus to my stop. Go me!

The next morning, I go to grab my bus pass out of its usual pocket in my backpack as the bus rolls up. It isn't there. I reach in my coat pocket, the same coat I was wearing the day before. No pass. Crap. I have to dig through my backpack, get my purse out and hope I have the $1.25 to ride the bus. Of course the driver and all passengers start looking at me like "why don't you have your fare ready?" Luckily I had the change and put it in the machine. I sat down and read the sign, "please have your fare ready before boarding the bus." Whatever jerk.

At this point I emptied out pretty much every pocket in my backpack right on the bus seat thinking I must have put my pass in the wrong spot. WHERE IS IT?!?! Grrr. Not there. Okay, so I probably put it on my dresser, I will check when I get home. Guess what, not there either!!!!

I started to realize it must have fallen out of my pocket on my walk from Bookmans the day before. This is a highly coveted annual pass that anyone could pick up and use. Not to mention, it isn't refundable in any way. When its gone, you have to buy another one.

I was not settling for having to buy another pass, so I decided to go on a recon mission, retrace my steps from the walk I took from Bookmans and maybe I would find it. Doubtful. I went and started looking in all the cactus along the road and anywhere it might have blown to since it was of course windy that day. Then, all of a sudden, right there on the side of the road was my bus pass, the little credit card sized piece of paper. It had survived a cold night and a windy day sitting there right where I dropped it. I couldn't believe it. I let out a little yell and jumped out of my car. I was so excited!!!!! Mission accomplished!!!!!

This is a mural of Snoop on the side of Bookmans. What. Regulaaaaaaaaatoooooooooorrrrrss.


  1. You are extremely lucky! I know the feeling of losing something very valuable it causes your stomach to knot up as you look for it! Good story!

    I had a similar situation when a friends dog took my rental car key, cost me 135 bucks all said and done. It sucked.

  2. I told I would have gotten the tickets!! I'm just glad you found your pass! I would have seriously felt horrible!! I'm glad you got a blog out of it! ;)

    And Snoop-A-Loop was AWESOMMEEEE!!! SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP! What are you going to do in the morning?? What are you going to do when you get home from work? What are you going to do when a little 10 yr old asks you were the sexy ladies at? Smoke Weed! LOL...oh Snoop-A-Loop!
